Multi-dimensional data education

Structure your data science learning journey

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Learn faster

Everything you need to master data science

Structured learning
See the relationships between tools & techniques
Learn to build
Learning pathways all lead towards building real projects
Interactive learning
Test your learning progress with quizzes and interactive Python code
Comprehensive curriculum
77 lessons across 22 courses


Introduction to Data Analysis with Python

34 lessons across 9 courses

Begin with mastering Python and Git, navigate through SQL and Pandas and deploy interactive dashboards using Streamlit to the web. The pathway concludes with a capstone project where learners apply their skills analyzing historical energy data.

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Machine Learning on Tabular Data

45 lessons across 12 courses

Explore Python and core concepts in statistics and probability, manipulate and clean data with Pandas, engineer features, and evaluate the machine learning models that work well on tabular data. The pathway finishes with a project predicting newspaper headlines from newspaper text.

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Introduction to Data Engineering

33 lessons across 9 courses

Learn the core skills & knowledge needed to get started with data engineering, covering Python, shell scripting, databases, Git, Docker, infrastructure as code and REST APIs. The pathway finishes with a practical project showing you how to deploy a REST API serving climate change data.

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Deep Learning

3 lessons across 1 courses

Learn the fundamentals of deep learning, including neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs). Implement these models from scratch using NumPy and TensorFlow.

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Frequently asked questions

Why does this website exist?

I enjoy teaching & mentoring data science - this website is the synthesis of my knowledge learnt while practicing, mentoring & teaching data science.

Are the courses free?

Yes, all the courses are free.

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